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AWN! Conference: The Aftermath

Wow! What a day! Once my feet hit the fourth floor of the University Center July 11th I don't think I quit moving for more than five minutes. I met so many wonderful people. I learned a great deal of information. I talked and listened and wrote and worried, but in the end, I think everyone left with at least a few more tools in their box and some with smiles on their faces. That, I feel, is success.

Organizing a great conference is like organizing a great wedding: you start planning early and hope the bride and groom still love each other by the time the ceremony is finished. Well, the committee hasn't killed each other off, yet. At least not in person. But seriously, I have to give credit to my fellow committee members: Donna Essner, Mary Rechenberg, Sharon Woods Hopkins, Marcie Upchurch, and Laura Luttrell. We've worked together to produce two successful conferences and are already planning number three. And I think we're all still friends. Aren't we?

We'll let you know as soon as we know who we've contracted for next year, but I promise we'll keep the same high standards we had this year. We'll still have a variety of genres represented, a writing contest, networking time, and more. However, based on the feedback from the surveys, we're going to make it what YOU want and what YOU need in a conference. I'm personally excited about the suggestions in the feedback and hope you are, too, when you see what we'll be adding in next year.

So, continue to write, continue to edit, continue to build your platform. Remember that in running and in writing, it's amazing how far you can go when you keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Therefore, go, and all write now!

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