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The Slush Pile Session is available to all attendees. The last hour of the conference will be devoted to slush pile readings and feedback from a panel of editors and authors. We will do our best to read all entries within the time frame of the session.


Imagine you have submitted your first pages to an agent, editor, or publisher. In this session, attendees will learn first hand how these professionals view your submission as if they were sitting in their office reading--and hoping your submission is the one they have been looking for. Yes, they want your manuscript to be the one as much as you do!


There will be a panel of editors and authors seated at the front of the room. Each will have a copy of the submission for reading along while a narrator reads your submission out loud to the audience.


When one of the panel members stops reading your manuscript, they will raise a hand. If at least two panel members raise their hand, the reader will stop reading and feedback and suggestions will be offered. If only one, or no panel member raises their hand during the reading, feedback will take place after the three (3) pages have been read.


NOTE:  Do not include your name or any identifying information on your submission. No one will know who is the author of the manuscript unless the author reveals it.


Please remember that these critiques are offered as constructive assessments of your first pages as if an agent, editor, or publisher has actually received your submission for publication.


Slush Pile Submission Guidelines:
1. Bring three (3) copies of the first three (3) pages of your manuscript and give them to the registrar when you arrive at the conference.
3. In the header section of the first page, center the title and include the
    page number in the upper right-hand corner.
4. Double space document throughout.
5. Staple each copy, and then paper clip the three copies together.
If you have any questions, email:




 Conference Coordinator, Donna


 Registrar, Marcie Upchurch:


 Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities: Robert Felker:













       Website Development: Donna Essner and Penny DeYong

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