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Conference Work Day

Today Donna Essner and I spent the day planning for the second annual All Write Now! writers' conference. Donna worked on securing speakers, creating forms, and finalizing contest details. I enjoyed designing the template for the new All Write Now! conference website and posting Facebook updates. We had so much fun bouncing ideas back and forth and exchanging "what if" ideas about our ideal conference.

In honor of our second year, the theme for our conference--and our writing contests--is "Seconds." Our contests are: The John and Carol Fisher Non-Fiction Contest, a short-story contest, a flash-fiction contest, and a poetry contest. You can find more information on these contests in our Contest section. (And by the way, if you want to sponsor one of the contests and have it named after YOU, please contact Donna Essner at with the subject line "Sponsor a Contest.")

Authors: we'll have a REAL bookstore to sell your books this year. More details to come. Yes, this is intended to make you come back and read the blog at a later date. We're sneaky like that.

Would you like to advertise your writing, editing, speaking, or other related services? Or would you simply like to advertise your book or series? Check out our Sponsors page and consider purchasing space in our program. We'll print your logo/book cover and information on a business-sized, 1/4 page, 1/2 page, or full-sized page for a reasonable fee and you'll receive much deserved recognition.

We can't wait to tell you more, so as the details finalize, we'll post them. In the meantime, go ye therefore and write now!


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 Conference Coordinator, Donna


 Registrar, Marcie Upchurch:


 Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities: Robert Felker:













       Website Development: Donna Essner and Penny DeYong

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